Creating 3D Text Using Powerpoint

Aug 13, 2013 / Share
Microsoft Powerpoint is the most popular presentation software with many features including the ability to create 3D texts. This is very useful when you create your title slide and you want to impress your audience with a 3D title.

Go ahead, open Powerpoint and insert a text box with any text that you like to transform into a 3D title. Mine is 3D PPT and I changed its color and font before to purple and Arial.
You can then select the text box and go to the Format Tab > Text Effects > 3D Rotation and choose your desired 3D format.

Microsoft Powerpoint 3D Text Effects

The text will start to take on a 3D format but it has not depth yet. To add depth to your text, highlight the text and then right click. Choose the Format Text Effects option which will bring up a dialog box. Click on the 3-D Options in the left side of the dialog box.

That's Right click > Format Text Effects > 3-D Options.

Microsoft Powerpoint 3D Text Depth Value

Now, find the Depth option and enter a value somewhere between 10 to 50. Change the number when you see your desired depth of the text. You can also change the angle of the lighting and the type of material for your 3D text.

Finally, you have created a 3D text using Microsoft Powerpoint only. You can animate your text for more awesome effects.
  1. I SEARCHED/ visited all of your pages. they're great and all clean! very nice work of you! hope you can teach me about the templates / codes for menus and popups someday. i'm planning to create mine too. thanks ahead!

    1. Thank you Haffy. I'll create articles about them later :)

  2. Thanks you for great article. I want to see your advice about templates and their use, because i've got subscription on from my colleague and i just don't understand what to do with all this stuff.
